Get up! Stand up! Show up!
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a long and proud history of getting up, standing up and showing up to fight for their rights.
The 2022 NAIDOC theme ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ is a call to action for a genuine commitment from all Australians to do more to make our country better for First Nations peoples.
The movement to #FreeTheFlag and the actions so many people took, from signing petitions, writing to their local MP and donating money and time, is a great example of allyship in action. When our non-Indigenous community support Aboriginal Community causes, we can create equity and social justice."
- Laura Thompson (Gunditjmara)
Clothing The Gaps Co-Founder & CEO

NAIDOC yarns
This years theme ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ is a call to action for a genuine commitment from all Australians to do more to make our country better for First Nations peoples.
We’ve been working on something special with some legends to share yarns about this years theme, what it means to them and their call to action.
NAIDOC Yarns featuring Tarneen Onus- Williams (Gunditjmara, Bindal, Yorta Yorta, Erub & Mer Islands), Naomi Bamblett (Yorta Yorta, Wiradjuri & Trawlwoolway), Titan Debirioun and Andres Allen